Saturday, March 22, 2008

Some Easter Thoughts

Easter......what an amazing time this is! The whole reason behind this holiday is almost more than my mind can comprehend. There are so many things about it that just don't seem posible, yet they all happened.
*God really DID love mankind enough to send His son to earth
*Jesus really DID do amazing things - healed people, raised people from the dead, lived a sinless life (sinless=NEVER can that be??? He must have been God!)
*He really DID die. Not because of anything he did but because people wanted to shut him up and stop all of the excitement that was happening around him. So he died, as in dead, as in never to breathe again, as in no heartbeat. Dead, dead, dead. I think that sometimes we fail to really comprehend that he really was dead!
*After 3 days (THREE DAYS....not just a few hours or minutes or anything like that!) Jesus really DID..........COME TO LIFE AGAIN!!!!Can you tell that this really awes me? When I really stop and think of what happened I am completely struck by all that REALLY DID happen! Wow! It reminds me of some words from my favorite hymn, And Can It Be?:

And can it be that I should gain
An interest in the Savior’s blood?
Died He for me, who caused His pain—
For me, who Him to death pursued?
Amazing love! How can it be,
That Thou, my God, shouldst die for me?
Amazing love! How can it be,
That Thou, my God, shouldst die for me?

I guess what I'm trying to say thankful! God has given us a tremendous share eternity with Him. This was so important to Him that He sacrificed His son to make it possible. Let's not take that precious gift for granted. It is so easy to receive this gift. I mean.....come on.....all He asks is that we strive to live as Jesus did. And to ask him to forvige our sins (and for me....there are so many!). I think it all comes down to love. What (or who) do we love most? God or the earthly things around us? What have all the earthly things done for us? What has God done for us? Duh?

Anyway.........enough of the preaching.........have a wonderful Easter!


Cassie said...

What an awesome message for this holiday! Thanks for sharing!

queenygirltara said...

great post!

BTW I tagged

Philip Friday said...

Incredible thoughts here Kate. I didn't know you had a calling to preach...:-). Anyway, the time of Easter should always remain in our minds all year long. God's love for us is absolutely unfathomable by our standards. That is what Easter is all about.