Friday, November 14, 2008

Nov. 11 Thankful Picture

Today was Dave's day. I told him about it first thing in the morning and TRACTOR and the WINDMILL. I didn't get too technical with him and tell him that was 2 things. I just glad to have gotten an answer out of him. This is tractor that he uses to do all sorts of things around the farm, feeding the cows, moving bales, moving snow, moving manure (uck!) and moving.....well....all sorts of things. The windmill is pretty cool because it's the windmill from the homestead of Dave's great-great grandpa, the first in the family to move to the "new country" and homestead in South Dakota. Several years ago Dave's dad arranged to buy the windmill from the guy who now owns that land and they went down to get it. It's now up at our farm. Kinda cool......

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